FTTH Ficomm - Passive Splitter Modular

Selling Ficomm brand Fiber Optic FTTH type Passive Splitter Modular

We offer high-quality and reliable Ficomm brand Fiber Optic FTTH type Passive Splitter Modular. We also sell various other Fiber Optic accessories according to your needs.

Prices for Fiber Optic FTTH brand Ficomm type Passive Splitter Modular

For the latest information on prices and product discounts for Fiber Optic FTTH brand Ficomm type Passive Splitter, please contact our sales team or visit our branch office in your city.

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FTTH Ficomm - Passive Splitter ModularLC Splitter

Features :

Low insertion loss
High reliability
Wide wavelength
Large operating temperature range
Compatible with splitter module for ODC
Has 1.5m Pigtail for each input and output
Built in input and output connectors
Pigtail with Fiber Core G657A

Symbol :

Applicable Standard  : Other Specification are available on request
Application                  : FTTX system
LAN, WAN and Metro network
Analog/Digital passive Optical network
CATV Network



1:4 For ODC   1:8 For ODP 
 Lead fiber at input port  SM fiber G.657A1, 2mm cord,
 SC/UPC connector, 
 1 to 1.5m length
 SM fiber G.657A1, 0.9mm cord,
 SC/UPC connector, 
 1 to 1.5m length
 Lead fiber at output port  SM fiber G.657A1, 2mm cord,
 SC/UPC connector, 
 1 to 1.5m length
 SM fiber G.657A1, 0.9mm cord,
 SC/UPC connector, 
 1 to 1.5m length
 Operating wavelength* 1260 - 1650 nm
 Insertiton loss (without connector) ≤7.25 ≤10.38 dB
 Insertiton loss (with connector) ≤7.8 ≤11.0 dB
 Return loss (dB) ≥50 dB
 Directivity (dB)** ≥55 dB
 Uniformity** ≤2.0 ≤1.0 dB
 Polarization Dependent Lost (PDL)** ≤0.3 dB



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